Friday, March 4, 2022
The Cranky Reviewer Returns With Her Take on the Rest of the 2022 SAG Award Nominees, and Some of the Winners
Saturday, January 1, 2022
Guest post from The Cranky Reviewer - Four Releases Toward the End of 2021
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Sylvia Beach Hotel
Monday, March 15, 2021
Bernards Farms, Oregon

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Champion and Lost Leader Sales
13:59:34 Thank you for
choosing Champion Teamwear! My name is Tarra. How may I help you today?
14:01:00 I placed an
order for 4 pair of these in XL in black and 2 in red. I've been contacted by
email by Champion telling me that the black ones are not available - yet here I
see them still on the site as In Stock - What's going on?
14:01:56 Hi Jonathan! I
can certainly take a look to see. Do you have your order number handy?
14:02:04 Champion
Teamwear Order Status: WBXXXXXX C#XXXXXXXX
14:02:15 Thank you! One
moment while I get that loaded up.
14:04:30 The Champion Mesh 9" Pocket Short is something that we typically receive in weekly shipments of to restock - this is why it will show In Stock online, as we typically have constant shipments coming in.
Due to COVID we are seeing a delay on getting some items
stocked to our warehouse. This style is one currently affected. We will be
getting additional stock, but at this time I do not have that exact restock
14:06:30 For Champion
to be showing these as available In Stock - is an inappropriate way to go about
doing business - when you know that you do not have them In Stock. It lacks
integrity and I'm very disappointed to see this happening.
14:06:45 I'm simply not
interested in excuses.
14:08:30 I apologize, Jonathan. And I agree with you, it is misleading. Typically we don't have the issue of getting stock in, so it's usually a stocked item.
How do you want to proceed? I can cancel the order and issue
a refund if you'd prefer, or can check live stock numbers for what colors I
have available in XL now to send out.
14:11:58 I'm already
dealing with my options via email, but what I'd like to see from Champion is
some offer to make up for setting up this situation. These are actually not for
me but rather for my 96 year old father who has been wearing these short for
years and loves them - which is why he insisted on getting the same exact style
again. Champion needs to step up and figure out a way to truly make this right.
14:14:12 There is a
direct phone number and extension listed for Patty, who emailed about the order
status. We are available by phone, not just chat or email. She is one of our
managers, and can discuss this further with you.
14:14:45 And the number
14:15:22 This will be
listed below Patty's signature in her email. The number is 800-336-4486, her
extension is 1815.
14:15:36 Thank you
14:15:53 You're
Evaluation: Not even in the ballpark
Sunday, March 3, 2019
As promised, this is a Guest Post from, Ashley Corey - Homeopathic Evangelist....
Several years later, and after about four rounds of antibiotics for urinary tract infections, my health deteriorated dramatically. I began experiencing daily headaches, significantly lower energy, constant emotional upheaval and high levels of anxiety. I developed seasonal allergies and a plethora of food sensitivities. My new Naturopathic Doctor suspected that my symptoms had a lot to do with my gut. That set me on a long journey to regain my health, meanwhile trying to help others along the way.
I wish I could say that I just changed my diet and took some Chinese herb and everything got better, but that wasn’t the case. I tried many different diets, methods and remedies to restore my health, and although most of them had some impact, I wasn’t getting a lot better. During this time, a friend of mine introduced me to homeopathy through an 8-week study group curriculum.
As I started to learn more about homeopathy, I was so excited to find a system of medicine that was safe, gentle and effective. I was impressed to discover it could be used for both acute and chronic diseases. I was fascinated to realize this form of medicine has been practiced for over 200 years, and is currently being used by more than 200 million people worldwide. However, beyond the wonderful statistics that I was reading about, I personally started to experience and witness its efficacy. The results my friends and I have seen in the last few years include the following: lab verified healing of a low functioning kidney, surgical recoveries without a need for pain medication, resolution of ear and teething pain and quick healing of acute injuries and bruises. I've seen a dramatic reduction in my own anxiety and resolution of eczema and night terrors in my son. I've helped friends with carpal tunnel pain, rashes, headaches from injuries, seasonal allergies and ankle injuries. My youngest child has never needed Ibuprofen or Tylenol, and neither one of my children has ever taken oral antibiotics. I’ve been able to stay off antibiotics as well -- which has been a priority for me as I heal my gut. This became my new paradigm and expectation for health--true curative healing of conditions from the inside out.
All of this has inspired me to spread the news of this powerful healing. How could I keep this to myself when I had studied and lived the alternative? Now I am leading the same study group for four of my friends. It is a highlight of my week. Within this group, we discuss so many health issues, and I often use my own unfolding story to illustrate what can happen as homeopathy works to unravel the complex web of chronic autoimmune disease in my own body.
In the last year, I've become such a central homeopathic resource for friends and family that I needed to up the ante for myself and dive more deeply into this medicine. As a result, I've just begun a 4 year program of study to become a Classical Homeopath. Every single day, I find myself so grateful for this brilliant system of medicine and for how it empowers me to move myself and others forward on a journey of healing. So, if you find yourself stuck with a health problem and haven’t found success with other modalities, then homeopathy might be for you--it might change your life in more ways that you can even imagine!
To learn more about homeopathy a good place to start is National Center For Homeopathy:
Evaluation, Ashley Corey: Extraordinarily sincere!
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Homeopathy is Alive and Well
![]() |
To read more about the early days of homeopathy |
Evaluation: Extraordinarily sincere!
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Conin Mexican Cuisine
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Barbur World Foods: a market of exciting discoveries

Driftwood - Coffee Anyone?
The Portland-casual environment is what struck me the most; three or four burlap coffee bags adorn the wall across from the coffee bar. Everything in the room is carefully and tastefully placed around a space which is not large, nor is it small. Let’s just call it comfortable. This is not a manufactured comfort, stamped out to strike a niche-specific-chord-of-familiarity with wild-eyed hordes of desperately salivating caffeine seekers, but rather a simple, thoughtful placement of tables and chairs, and a corner near the front door invitingly decked with a couple of couches, facing one another across a simple coffee table. A few magazines and books are stored on a lower shelf for those who’re looking for a little light reading material. There are a few locally made items such as hats, clothing, and jewelry offered for sale along with a good selection of coffees, teas, Italian sodas, and let’s not forget the Breakfast Sandwich selections. I had a mocha coffee and a “Dave and an Egg” which turned out to be a slice of Dave’s Killer Bread with my choice (over easy) of egg.
The coffee/chocolate mixture was smooth and delicious. I heroically declined the whipped cream. The breakfast sandwich was killer indeed. A little hot sauce on top made it perfection.
While I enjoyed my breakfast, seated where I could watch all the action on one of the couches, I watched a steady stream of folks come in and order. A couple of older guys reading newspapers sat at a table across the room next to a young couple who had eyes only for one another. At the next table over, four women discussed the world with plenty of laughs all around. A young writer peered at his laptop screen while sipping something delicious-looking from a large mug. A family of four wide-eyed travelers stepped down out of their home-on-wheels and traipsed in the door. The two kids promptly began oohing-and-aweing over the selection of goodies, while mom and dad went directly to the counter to order coffee and a dragonfly chai. I don’t know what the kids eventually ordered in the way of drinks, but I know for sure that one little girl got herself a beautifully woven bracelet and her brother scored himself a very cool hat, with what looked to be a painting of a killer whale above the brim.
Pastries of all kinds are offered at Driftwood Coffee, including some gluten free and vegan options. I only managed to avoid their come-hither tastiness because of my iron will; enough said?
There is some small concern that the paving project on Vermont will hurt business somewhat from now through November, but there’s also hope that folks will continue to seek out this little gem of a coffee place that will never, and I mean never, entertain the idea of robot coffee baristas.
This where to go to hang out with friends, to talk, to read, or to just relax and gaze out the window as cars roll by on Vermont Street at 46th. After all, what’s the hurry? More than expected? Absolutely!
4604 SW Vermont St, Portland, OR 97219
Phone: (503) 246-4706
Evaluation: Extraordinarily Sincere
Rovente Pizzeria - with delivery in and around The Village

Groundspring Healing - and the miracle of the knee

Two days after the great knee trauma of 2018, I went to have it X-rayed because I truly believed I'd badly broken something. The doctors, however, assured me that such was not the case. They said healing would take a little time, and I was OK with that. But my knee wasn't in on that particular deal, and weeks stretched into months of pain. It did subside somewhat, but I continued to, quite pitifully and very carefully, limp around for the next 12 weeks. Doctors kindly offered to do an MRI to see what was going on, and possibly arrange for some sort of surgery. Obviously, if that were my only option, I suppose I'd have gone for it.
However, I chose to investigate acupuncture. As it turns out, that was an amazingly good decision. Groundspring Healing Arts (8283 S.W. Barbur Blvd., Portland; 503-244-1330; www. is located on a little one-way, angled piece of Barbur Boulevard that merges into Multnomah Boulevard behind Safeway. But that little unassuming building seems quite a bit larger on the inside than on the outside, with seven practitioners working out of the peaceful space. I can only speak from my experience, but if the others are working with the same degree of thoughtfulness, care and dedication as my practitioner, they must be exceptional in every way.
As a matter of fact, the efficacy of my acupuncturist's treatment was tested recently when I found myself clambering the 213 feet (about 20 stories) of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan, Mexico. We're talking about a grueling climb of 248 hand-cut stone steps. OMG! OK, perhaps "clambering" is the wrong word, since my derring-do required at least a couple of stops to just pant and gaze out into the distance of the surrounding ghost-city with an expression of deep intelligence and understanding. I'm quite sure to others, like the 9-year-old running up the steps past me, I looked as though I had been captivated by my environment. Still, I made it to the top without once considering a knee which only three weeks earlier would have made such a feat of super-heroic scrambling literally impossible.
Where before I would hobble painfully from my car into a local store, I was now capable of successfully reaching the top of one of the most amazing edifices on this continent. My acupuncturist's name, by the way, only accentuates the connections that this world often makes for us. It's YuJin Lee. She told me that this roughly translates to With Sincerity.
If you know of a business that you think might meet our criteria, please send the information to me at I can't promise to write about them though, as that in itself would be, well, insincere.
Paradise Construction - construction paradise

Briar Patch Herbs - A welcome addition to the neighborhood

Not that the residents of the area want that much bustle. And besides, it's not big enough to rival those two areas. But I always thought it would be nice if another useful shop or two would go in there, and that the whole thing might be tidied up a bit.
If you know of a business that you think might meet our criteria, send the information to me at I'll not promise to write about them though, as that in itself would be, well, you know — insincere.